Local Same Day Delivery
Zip Courier is a locally owned and operated same day courier and trucking company serving Vancouver, the Lower Mainland, and the Fraser Valley Area of British Columbia. Regardless of whether you are looking for Regular delivery, Local Same Day delivery, a Rush delivery, a Hot delivery, or a Direct delivery – we’ve got you covered!
Local Same Day Delivery Specialists
Zip Courier is a locally owned and operated same day courier and trucking company serving Vancouver, the Lower Mainland, and the Fraser Valley Area of British Columbia. Regardless of whether you are looking for Regular delivery, Local Same Day delivery, a Rush delivery, a Hot delivery, or a Direct delivery – we’ve got you covered!
Zip Freight Delivery Service
Through our division Zip Freight, we also offer a variety of trucking and freight shipping throughout the Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley, and Vancouver Island. Our trucking services range from local same-day cartage to LTL service to all points on Vancouver Island, and HOT SHOT service to any point in British Columbia. With our cutting-edge dispatch technology and Courier Complete© dispatch program, our clients can easily order, track, and trace shipments online. From the time you place an order with Zip you can rest assured that it’s in very capable hands. Our fleet of trucks can accommodate a shipment of any size.
When it just can’t wait…Zip Freight.
Contact Us and Get Your Package Shipped Now
On the lookout for affordable delivery service from a professional courier company in Vancouver? Contact Zip Courier. When you need to ship it…just Zip it!
While I found the online platform of ZIP efficient and easy to use and the fact that these guys are quite reliable, it has been the few times I’ve been in a pinch and needed a pick up delivery that ZIP has really impressed me. Our shipping costs are an important part of our business for our clients; the fact that zip is very competitive and are effective on the time sensitive deliveries is a big reason for why we use them without hesitation.
Trevor Shoaf, Director of Sales Pioneer Distributors Ltd
Consumer Choice Award